I’m a planner. I’m not a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl. I like schedules, to-do lists, and often have my calendars filled out months in advance. I find shopping for Post-it’s, file folders and organizers thrilling. And don’t get me started on the intense anxiety I feel if I am even a minute or two late for a meeting or appointment. A bit of a control freak? Yes. But I embrace my quirks and the best thing I can do is learn how to deal when things don’t go as planned.
Enter the year 2010. The year where the the unexpected kept happening. The year that kept throwing curveball after curveball at us. Some good and some bad. It was the first year in a long time where I felt that I wasn’t in the driver’s seat. And seeing as I like things planned out, I’m not the type to just roll with punches. It’s more like duck and cover and wait for the storm to pass. Adjusting to change is hard. Dealing with it head on without fear is even harder. But fear gets you nowhere and going through the hard times makes the good times even that much better.
And as the year 2010 comes to a close, I’m content. It wasn’t the year I thought it would be and that’s ok. It was a year of learning and a year of growth. A year of appreciating the smaller things in life. The important things. The things that really matter. As I write down my goals and hopes for the next year, I know some may not happen or occur the way I want them to, but dangnabbit, I’ll keep trying. I’ll be a little more ready for the curveballs that may come my way. And next year, I’m determined to hit a few of them way out of the park.
I can’t thank you all enough for your support this past year! Wishing each and every one of you a very happy, healthy and wonderful 2011. Cheers!
Lori - Wishing you much joy and happiness in 2011!